
I can't tell you right now what's the problem, but please be so kind as to
send me (to my personal address) your files /var/log/daemon.log and
/var/log/ppp.log and I might figure out what's happening. Note that there
could be your passwords visible, so erase them before you send it to me.

And what you could do right now - triple check your modem init string.

Awaiting your answer,
and wishing all the best,

                      * Peter Paluch                  *
                      * Kukucinova 939/35             *
                      * 024 01 Kysucke Nove Mesto     *
                      * Slovakia, Europe              *
                      * ----------------------------- *
                      * tel: +421 826 421 2542        *
                      * e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *

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