Hi All,

  Thanks to all the users replied to my question on Printer sharing.
  Most of you suggested me to use Samba.  I went ahead and install the
  Samba package.  I read some of the document that came with the package

  and I still do not quite get to do what I want.  If anyone of you do
  mind, could you send me a step by step procedure :) or could someone
  point me to the doc that could lead me to do this?

    1.) I've a HP 6MP laser printer connect to my Linux box.  I'd like
        to allow other PC (running Windows/NT) to print thing to it.

    2.) How about the reverse,  If I have the printer connected to the
        Windows/NT server PC,  how would my Linux box print thing to it?

  After installed the Samba,  I ran this command:
  and I got:
    Couldn't open status file /var/lock/samba/STATUS..LCK

  I'm wondering if I need to start some at boot time or something?

  Any help will be greately appreciated.  Thank you very much in

Timothy C. Phan
Intelligence Quest Research, INC.

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