iquest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   Most of you suggested me to use Samba.  I went ahead and install the
>   Samba package.  I read some of the document that came with the package
>   and I still do not quite get to do what I want.  If anyone of you do
> not
>   mind, could you send me a step by step procedure :) or could someone
>   point me to the doc that could lead me to do this?

There's more documentation in /usr/doc/HOWTO/SMB-HOWTO.gz.

>     1.) I've a HP 6MP laser printer connect to my Linux box.  I'd like
>         to allow other PC (running Windows/NT) to print thing to it.

Set up /etc/smb.conf starting from the example (and see "man
smb.conf").  You might want to set up the printer explicitly.  Set
"load printers = no", then something like:

   comment = HP 6MP
   writable = no
   path = /tmp
   public = yes
   printer = hp
   printable = yes

>     2.) How about the reverse,  If I have the printer connected to the
>         Windows/NT server PC,  how would my Linux box print thing to it?

You can do some fiddling with something like
/usr/doc/samba/examples/printing/smbprint to do this.

>   After installed the Samba,  I ran this command:
>     smbstatus
>   and I got:
>     Couldn't open status file /var/lock/samba/STATUS..LCK

This will get fixed after you actually do something with Samba from
NT.  The programs are automatically started when you need them.

         Carey Evans

          GNU GPL: "The Source will be with you... always."

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