On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 12:23:12PM +0530, Sandip P Deshmukh wrote:
| On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 05:26:43PM +0100, Matthias Hentges wrote:
| > Am Die, 2002-12-10 um 10.25 schrieb Sandip P Deshmukh:
| > > do i just install spamassasin as it comes or do i have to tweak it?
| > 
| > At least with postfix you'll have to integrate SA manually. It should be
| > the same with Exim.
| > You may want to have a look at this:
| > 
| > http://dman.ddts.net/~dman/config_docs/exim3_spamassassin.html
| it was wonderful documentation.

Thanks :-).

| did just what it said and i am already
| running spamassasin. there is one difficulty, though. it refers to some
| filters in exim.conf file. could someone tell me, where do i place
| these filters in the file? in the beginning? in some specific
| section? in the end?
| the filter per se is given in full. however, not its location in the
| exim.conf file.

It doesn't go in exim.conf.  It goes in your "filter file".  Where
that is depends on several things.

First, do you want the filtering to be site-wide?  If so then see
the 'message_filter' option in section 11 of spec.txt.

If you want the filtering to be per-user then see sections 24.7
(specifically the 'filter' option) and 50.3 of spect.txt and section 5
of filter.txt.  If you're using a configuration generated by
'eximconfig' then use the file ~/.forward and put 
    # Exim filter
as the first line.

Also check section 47 of spec.txt.

| > But using .procmailrc will be the most simple way to do it IMO.
| i am still a bit confused about procmail. i use mutt anyway. and
| although i have not yet used folders. but i guess, i can use folders and
| folder hooks to sort mail into different mailboxes. do i still need to
| use procmail?

Mutt's folder-hooks can be used to move mail from one folder to
another, but that's not really how it was intended.  What you are
looking for is an MDA (Mail Delivery Agent) that allows you to specify
specificy where to deliver each individual message.  The default MDA
with exim (and sendmail, and postfix, etc.) puts everything into your
inbox.  Procmail, maildrop, and exim are alternate MDAs that let you
specify how to deliver the message on a per-message basis.  See above
for how to use exim's filtering capabilities .


A violent man entices his neighbor
and leads him down a path that is not good.
        Proverbs 16:29

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