On Wed, 03 Jun 1998, Kevin Atkinson wrote:
>Is there any way to make all X fonts say 1.5 times bigger than they are
>If not does anyone know who to make netscapes fonts bigger, in areas
>such as 
>the message list.
>My major complaint about debian is that it doesn't provide any real eazy
>to customize X-Windows.
There is a really easy (Debian) way of adding True Type font support to your X
server. All you need to do is to get the xfstt package, create a /var/ttfonts
directory, copy the fonts you would like to have into it, add   
FontPath "unix/:7100"   to the "Files" Section of your XF86Config file
(/etc/X11/XF86Config) and start the xfstt just a little before X. I did this by
modifying the xfs startup script in /etc/init.d (see atachment).  Just copy it
to /etc/init.d and type (as root) update-rc.d xfsFontPath   "unix/:7100"  tt 
and you should have True Type fonts for Netscape, etc. . In case something does
not work, have a look at the help file I enclosed. Chris

- --
Stone's Law:
        One man's "simple" is another man's "huh?"
- --
                                 Christian Zander
                                  *  web:  ishmael.ml.org/~zander 
                                  *  email:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Attachment: xfstt
Description: application/shellscript

1.0  What is xfstt?
1.1  How do I test it?
1.2  How do I use it?

2.0  It doesn't work! I get something like "fontpath not found"!
2.1  The X11 server doesn't start when xfstt isn't running!
2.2  Xfstt locks up my machine!
2.3  Why are no fonts included? Where do I get some?
2.4  How does one add fonts?
2.5  What are these weird fontnames displayed by xlsfonts when using xfstt?
2.6  Why shouldn't I serve fonts via tcpip to my friends overseas?
2.7  Why does program xxx look awful with most *.ttf fonts?
2.8  Big font sizes don't work, some glyphs look like garbage!
2.9  I cannot see all of my gazillion installed fonts!
2.10 Why can't I use all 16bit characters?
2.11 Rotated glyphs have wrong spacing!
2.12 The glyphs are too small!
2.13 How does one request an encoding different from iso8859-1?

3.0  How do I put fonts in categories?
3.1  use with java (tm)
3.2  use with netscape/communicator (tm)
3.3  use with staroffice (tm)
3.4  How do I print documents which use *.ttf fonts?
3.5  Does xfstt have anti-aliasing/grayscaling technology?

4.0  I have problems to compile xfstt!
4.1  Will it be merged with the X server?
4.2  How are embedded *ttf fonts used?
4.3  How can I help?
4.4  Why the LGPL licence though xfstt is not a library?


1.0 What is xfstt?

	Xfstt means "X11 Font Server for TT fonts".
	TT fonts are generally regarded to be the best scalable
	fonts for low resolution devices like displays.

	Examples where good scalable fonts improve the visual quality
	considerably are netscape(tm), gimp and java(tm).
	A fonts.properties file for use with java is provided.

	Xfstt is freely available under the LGPL. This basically means:
	Use it for free; if you fix bugs you have to contribute the
	fixes to the public.

1.1 How do I test it?

	mkdir /usr/ttfonts and put some *ttf fonts there, now run

	make xfstt && make install
	xfstt --sync
	xfstt &
	xset fp+ unix/:7100
	xcoral -fn "TTM20_Times New Roman"
	xfontsel -pattern "-*-*-*-*-*-tt-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
	xset -fp unix/:7100

	If your X server cannot handle the unix protocol replace the
	unix/:7100 part by inet/ (assuming the machine
	running xfstt has as internet address).

1.2 How do I use it?

	Add unix/:7100 to the fontpath in your X11 configuration file.
	Start xfstt a few seconds before starting X11.

	The font name for a 24 point Arial would be "TTM24_Arial" or
	whichever of both naming conventions you find more convenient.

	Using xfstt's fontpath as the first fontpath is not a good idea:
	If the first truetype font would be a symbol/dingbat/wingdings
	font, the default font would be very hard to read (it sure looks
	interesting though :-)


2.0  It doesn't work! I get something like "bad font path"!

	A font server needs a fair chance to offer font services to
	clients. If you start the font server and the X server at
	the same time there are chances the background app fs doesn't
	get a time slice before the X server looks at it's font paths.
	In some situations xfstt needs to rebuild it's font database
	which may take some extra seconds.

	If "xset fp+ unix/:7100" fails while running X it always
	turned out xfstt wasn't started! Please check this with the
	"ps" command. If it hasn't started, start it now.

	If you are running the font server on a machine that has a
	different byte order than the client machine then it works as
	designed. Move the font server to a machine with the correct
	byte order.

2.1 The X11 server doesn't start when xfstt isn't running!

	This usually happens when "unix/:7100" is in the font path.
	Despite xfstt's marvellous capabilities it cannot do anything
	when it isn't running.

2.2 Xfstt locks up my machine!

	Sorry about that. Xfstt itself cannot lock up the machine.
	The X server that stops handling user requests is to blame.
	If you are a developer please add this your TODO list...

2.3 Why are no fonts included? Where do I get some?

	Free fonts have the wierdest copyrights one can imagine. A typical
	restriction is "non-commercial use only". Including such fonts in
	the package would prevent xfstt from being put on CDROMs.

	*.ttf fonts are often included as bonus for printers, word
	processors, graphics applications, operating systems,...

	There are a lot of cheap CDs with hundreds of *.ttf fonts.

	and many many other web sites

2.4 How does one add fonts?

	Copy *.ttf fonts into the /usr/ttfonts directory or put some
	softlinks to font directories in there. A typical example is
	ln -s /DOS/windows/fonts /usr/ttfonts/winfonts

	Now run "xfstt --sync" in order to have the new fonts recognized.
	Adding fonts while xfstt is running doesn't work yet.

2.5 What are these weird fontnames displayed by xlsfonts when using xfstt?

	xlsfonts results while running xfstt look like:
	TTUP020206030504050203040Times New Roman

	The reason is that the X11 Font Server protocol does not provide a
	way to query typographic information about fonts. So the only way
	to provide this information without changing this protocol is to
	"sideband" the typographic info into the fontname. The typographic
	info provided by xfstt is the panose information. For details of the
	panose specification have a look at

2.6 Why shouldn't I serve fonts to my friends overseas via tcpip?

	Remote font serving is only partially implemented (only one
	connection, same byte order for X and fs server).

	Since some X11 Servers only know the inet protocol for font servers,
	now both the inet and the unix protocol are supported. There still
	is the restriction that the CPU running the X server and the CPU
	running the font server must have the same byte order.

	If you absolutely need to serve fonts to multiple other machines
	(they MUST have the same byte order as the font server) you
	should start xfstt on another port (e.g. xfstt --port 7101)
	and add unix/:7101 to the catalogue of the standard X11 font
	server xfs. Make sure you conform to the font licence when serving
	to multiple clients.

2.7 Why does program xxx look awful with most *.ttf fonts?

	Most *.ttf fonts are proportional (i.e. 'W' is wider than 'i').
	Due to the sad history of font support in X11 many X programs
	only know how handle monospaced fonts.

	It may be possible to also serve monospaced versions of proportional
	fonts. This feature is not implemented yet. Since this will probably
	cause problems with ttf hinting, the monospaced version will most
	likely not match the quality of the original proportional font. Good
	ideas how to avoid this effect are welcome.

2.8 Big font sizes don't work, some glyphs look like garbage!

	The X11 font server protocol limits replies to 256kB. If a font is
	scaled with a big size the glyph bitmaps may not fit into 256kB.
	One would have to split up the reply. Many popular X11 servers do
	not handle split up replies yet.

	Xfstt tries to serve as many glyphs as possible. If there is no
	room left in the 256kB it skips the remaining characters. Since
	the X server already made up his opinion how big these "phantom
	glyphs" are, it tries to display something: garbage

	In this case the X server should be started with the options
	-deferglyphs 8 -deferglyphs 16
	Then the X server will load characters only in groups of 16, not
	all at once. The maximum size of the glyphs is still finite, but
	they will have some more room.

2.9 I cannot see all of the gazillion fonts I installed!

	The X11 font server protocol limits replies to 256 KB. If a font
	name list would exceed this limit one would have to split up the
	reply.  Many popular X11 servers cannot handle split up replies yet.

2.10 Why can't I use all 16bit characters?

	Some popular X11 servers cannot handle split up replies yet,
	but they request data for all characters they are told about.
	A reply of 24bytes * 64k chars far exceeds this limit and
	this causes trouble.

	Serving unicodes < 256 is default; if you are ready to take
	the risk of 16bit chars use the --unstrap option for xfstt
	and the "-deferglyphs 16" option for the X11 server.

2.11 Rotated glyphs have wrong spacing!

	The X11 font server protocol only supports x advance widths,
	not y advance widths. Xfstt takes the XCharStruct.attributes
	field to pass y advance widths. No current X server uses
	this information to display rotated strings.

2.12 The glyphs are too small!

	Most operating systems handling ttf fonts assume default
	resolutions of 96dpi, 120dpi or higher. Most X servers
	tell Xfstt to assume a default resolution of 72 dpi.
	A 12pt font at 96dpi is the same as a 16pt font at 72dpi.

	The solution is to tell the X server that the default
	resolution is different from the default 72 dpi. 
	As long as there is no such option in XFree xfstt will
	provide the --res option. A typical usage example is
	xfstt --res 96

2.13 How does one request an encoding different from iso8859-1?

	By default xfstt uses the unicode encoding which accidentially
	matches the iso8859-1 encoding for the first 256 characters.
	Starting in version 0.9.8 the unicode can be remapped to other
	encodings with the --encoding option. Example
	xfstt --encoding iso8859-2,koi8-r,windows-1251


3.0  How do I put fonts in categories?

	Create some subdirectories in /usr/ttfonts, e.g.
	modern, script, brush, old, symbol, ...
	and put the appropiate fonts in there. The corresponding font
	names will be -modern-*, -script-*, -brush-* and so on

3.1 use with java (tm) 1.1 and up

	Overwrite the fonts.properties file in $JAVA_HOME/lib/

3.2 use with netscape (tm)

	Since X11 netscape 3 doesn't use scrollable listboxes for font
	selection having more than a dozen *ttf fonts makes selecting
	fonts difficult. Netscape 4 needs a while to sort the fonts if
	several hundreds are installed. Netscape has the bad habit of
	not closing fonts when they are no longer used. As the number
	of open fonts is finite after some font changes requests for
	opening more fonts are rejected.

3.3  use with staroffice (tm)

	Starting in version 0.9.8 xfstt recognizes the not 100% compliant
	staroffice request for fonts with "-*" names. When using an older
	xfstt version you can't access its fonts in staroffice.

3.4 How do I print documents which use *.ttf fonts?

	Unfortunately the X Consortium decided in its early days that the
	display and printer are totally unrelated devices. There was no
	common architecture for graphics devices. The recent approach
	to close this gaping architectual hole is to use a X Print Server.

	Another way is to use ghostscript's ability to render ttf fonts.
	In order to help ghostscript figure out which fonts are available
	the --gslist option was added to xfstt. Usage example
	xfstt --gslist --sync > gs-ttf-list

3.5 Does xfstt have anti-aliasing/grayscaling technology?

	The font engine in xfstt knows grayscaling. Unfortunately neither
	the X11 font server protocol nor most X11 servers allow grayscaled


4.0 I have problems to compile xfstt!

	xfstt is supposed to compile right out of the box. If the
	error message says something about missing include files
	make sure that you have a package xdevel or similar installed.
	If this doesn't help get a binary release (e.g. from the great
	debian distribution).

4.1 Will it be merged with the X server?

	Merging it with the X server creates some opportunities. It makes
	advanced features like grayscaling, kerning, glyph substitution,
	ligatures, unlimited glyph sizes and vertical advance widths for
	rotated text possible.

	It would also allow that only those glyphs that are actually
	needed have to be rendered. Currently all glyphs in a font
	have to be rendered in order to get almost useless font summary
	properties. Fonts with lots of glyphs take considerably longer
	than they should take because of this.

	Unfortunately this requires a major rewrite of the X11 font
	subsystem. But without the rewrite it is doubtful that X11
	will be a competitive solution in the next millenium.

4.2 How are embedded *ttf fonts used?

	xfstt doesn't fully support dynamic adding/removing fonts yet.
	This is a prerequisite for handling embedded fonts.

	The intermediate solution is to send a FS_SetCatalogues request
	to xfstt which makes it rebuild its font database.

4.3 How can I help?

	Xfstt is reported to work on i386/m68k/sparc/alpha/mips/ppc on
	linux/freebsd/aix/irix platforms. Porting it to a different
	platform may require small modifications in the architecture
	dependent header file "arch.h".

	Read in 4.1 about the great benefits that could be achieved by
	deeply embedding scalable font technology into a completely
	revised X11 font subsystem. Read and understand the limitations of
	the current X11 font subsystem and try to do something about it.

4.4 Why the LGPL licence though xfstt is not a library?

	It is an (almost) trivial exercise to combine parts of the
	package into a library. The LGPL licence has considerable
	benefits for developers using libraries.

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