On Tue, 7 Jul 1998, Pete Harlan wrote:

> Bob Nielsen writes:
> > (To be fair, I haven't used Red Hat since 4.2 and it may have
> > improved since then, but they severely mismanaged the conversion to
> > glibc.)
> He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones, methinks...
> Debian 1.3.1 is a year old.  Six months ago 2.0 was announced as "Near
> Completion", when it was nearer inception than completion.

what an odd opinion.

i've been running hamm on my home machines and desktop box at work since
bo became frozen and hamm became unstable.  that's a good time to flag as
hamm's "inception" date.  It became good enough for me to trust on
production servers around six months later in September last year. IMO,
hamm was good enough for use by the general public since around Nov or

debian doesn't have the commercial pressures that RH has, so we can
afford to be perfectionist about what we do. i'd rather have it done
right than done hastily.

> I'm not ragging on the Debian team, just saying lighten up on Red Hat
> a little.  We're all on the same side, eh?  They chose to risk leaping
> before looking, while Debian risked hesitating.  Was the latter more
> prudent?  Maybe.  Are my Debian 1.3.1 systems prehistoric?  Yes.  Is
> that bad?  Sometimes.

i don't think bob was attacking RH at all. he was just stating a truth -
RH *did* mismanage the upgrade to glibc....as everyone who risked RH5.0
found out.  They should not have released 5.0 in the state it was in.

if pre-historic software is a bigger concern to you than running
pre-release software is, then you could have upgraded to hamm at any
time in the last 6 to 9 months without facing any major problems. you
certainly would have had a better, more stable glibc system than if you
had tried RH5.

what did debian risk by taking the time to do it right? not a lot. a few
impatient users may have chosen to install RH5 rather than wait for hamm
or trial the pre-release version from the ftp site. big deal, like that
really hurts debian a lot.


craig sanders

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