# abstract:

what is the minimal size for a linux /boot partition and what files 
must it contain?

# the details:

I am a win95 user and want to add debian 2.0 to my pc. on my 3.2 GB 
SCSI hard disk, I want to end up with the following approximate space 

- 1 GB for win95 (OS and applications)
- 1 GB for linux
- 1 GB for my documents which should be accessible for linux and win95

after reading the relevant FAQs, HowTOs, installation instructions etc. 
I recognized that all bootable partitions must start before the 1024th 
cylinder (I would like to use LILO), so I thought the best solution 
might be to have these partitions:

- X MB linux native for booting linux
- 1 GB fat16 for win95

- 48 MB linux swap (=2x my RAM)
- 1 GB linux native for linux apps
- 1 GB fat16 for documents accessible for both win95 and linux

my questions are:

- what is the minimal size for the linux boot partition?
- what files will it contain?
- what happens during the installation process: how do I tell debian 
where to put what? (sorry for this unprecise newbie question)

furthermore, I would appreciate any suggestions for a better solution 
of the win95+linux shared documents problem.

thanx *patrick*

#  Patrick Meidl
#  Konrad Lorenz Institute for Comparative Behavioural Research
#  Savoyenstr. 1a, A-1160 Vienna, Austria
#  Phone +43-1-486 21 21-36 | Fax +43-1-486 21 21-28
#  WWW http://unet.univie.ac.at/~a8903821/home.htm

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