> after reading the relevant FAQs, HowTOs, installation instructions etc. 
> I recognized that all bootable partitions must start before the 1024th 
> cylinder (I would like to use LILO), so I thought the best solution 
> might be to have these partitions:

Personally, I use loadlin to boot unix from DOS7, so the linux partition
can be anywhere...
> primary:
> - X MB linux native for booting linux
> - 1 GB fat16 for win95
> extended:
> - 48 MB linux swap (=2x my RAM)
> - 1 GB linux native for linux apps
> - 1 GB fat16 for documents accessible for both win95 and linux

The 1GB of docs can just be part of your DOS7/win95 partition.  With the
vfat module loaded, you can mount your DOS7/win95 partition from linux as
/mnt/dos, so your shared document files can be stored as normal in the
DOS/95 partition where they will be local to DOS/95 and no problem for
linux to access. 

So really all you need is three partitions:

2GB fat16 partition 
1GB linux partitoion
and use the spare change as your swap.

I really enjoy the freedom of using loadlin.  I can boot linux from the C:
prompt, boot linux from win95 (win95 unloads to DOS7, then boots linux.
So linux is being booted from win95, nto run from win95), or set up
DOS7/win95 upon load to have boot options.  

I have win95, IE4, Outlook 98, PC-DOS 6 (don't ask), win 3.1, Office97,
some games, a full Debian installation with X, StarOffice, and Netscapes
for linux and win95 all on a 4GB drive with 2GB fat16 and 2GB linux (and
spare space as swap) and each partition is less than a third full... So
getting all that on 3.2GB drive with a gig remaining for documents
shouldn't be a problem. 

> my questions are:
> - what is the minimal size for the linux boot partition?
> - what files will it contain?
> - what happens during the installation process: how do I tell debian 
> where to put what? (sorry for this unprecise newbie question)
> furthermore, I would appreciate any suggestions for a better solution 
> of the win95+linux shared documents problem.
> thanx *patrick*
> #  Patrick Meidl
> #  Konrad Lorenz Institute for Comparative Behavioural Research
> #  Savoyenstr. 1a, A-1160 Vienna, Austria
> #  Phone +43-1-486 21 21-36 | Fax +43-1-486 21 21-28
> #  WWW http://unet.univie.ac.at/~a8903821/home.htm
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