I have a (partial) mirror of the debian distribution maintained on my system,
for my personal use, and keep both the 'frozen' and 'unstable' sections for
upgrading both my main system, as well as a couple of smaller systems.

I have tried using dpkg-mountable (from dselect) to install from my archives,
yet the way it is currently set up, I am only able to set one main 
distribution, plus a non-us distribution and a 'local' area.

It appears impossible to have dpkg-mountable (and this applies to the nfs
method as well) use more than one major distribution at once, which pretty
much makes the dual distributions I have useless as far as accessing them
via dpkg-mountable goes.

This strikes me as a rather poor choice in design of this installation
method (my feeling also applies to the nfs method), since - for those of us
who have more than one distribution they wish to install from - it limits us
to using ftp, which can take hours to complete (the last time I tried using
ftp, it took me over 12 hours, and I have a cable-modem connection - at,
effectively, 10MB/sec transfer rate - to the internet).

If there is a work-around to installing via either nfs or dpkg-mountable, or
both (and especially dpkg-mountable), which would allow setting more than one
main distribution source, I would greatly appreciate it if someone would let
me know.



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