On Tue, 14 Jul 1998, Nathan E Norman wrote:

> On Tue, 14 Jul 1998, Taren wrote:
> : If there is a work-around to installing via either nfs or dpkg-mountable, or
> : both (and especially dpkg-mountable), which would allow setting more than 
> one
> : main distribution source, I would greatly appreciate it if someone would let
> : me know.
> Don't know of a workaround, but you can try apt.  It's slated to be the
> replacement for dselect, but for now it provides an `apt-get' method for
> dselect that is pretty keen.
> You can find it in `project/experimental' at any Debian mirror - I had
> heard that the newest version would go into slink but I haven't seen it
> there yet.

Actually it's in slink now :> V0.1.1, it should do what you want so long
as your archive is formed in one of the ways it understands. You can also
tell it to look on a remote site (say non-us) for archives along side your
local mirror.


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