Jeff Schreiber wrote:

> "Jens B. Jorgensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >I believe it makes a lot more sense to find out *what* names are being looked
> >up and *why* and solve the real problem rather than shoehorn in some kludge.
>     I knew there was something I was forgetting to mention!
> >As I said, logically you only need to look up "external" names when you're
> >connected to the net. Otherwise you won't need to. It sounds like you need
> >to set up your own zone for carpanet. If you haven't done this then this is
> >most likely why you're seeing the problem.
>     *nod* that's what I was suspecting.  If you don't have _any_ internal
>     name service [serving your local names and going to the root for names
>     it doesn't know], then as long as you don't type names that your server
>     doesn't know when your not connected you won't see a delay.
>     If you _don't_ have an internal server, and your just using /etc/hosts
>     to serve your internal names, and your resolvers point to external
>     nameservers, the query will go to the external name server, and then
>     resolve from /etc/hosts if the external doesn't answer... that's where
>     the time delay comes in. [I know in one of the VMS products I'm 
> responsible
>     for we allow for control of the ordering of the local lookups vs. the
>     remote lookups, but that's something I've not gotten around to writing
>     up and recommending to ISC, and I havn't had time to analyse the BIND 8
>     resolver to see if the funky changes in there allow for changing the
>     resolving order].

Ah yes, but I suspect that it's name queries from machines other than the linux 
which are contributing to the problem. In this case editing /etc/hosts and
/etc/resolv.conf won't help since named doesn't use these files at all. 
my best guess is that the problem is two-pronged. Stephen mentioned that smbd 
hanging waiting for a name queries and like so often is the case, the 
difficulty is
that smbd wants to log a message to syslog with the name of the host connecting 
is doing a gethostbyaddr on the IP address of a windoze client. If he doesn't 
an entry in /etc/hosts (or entries in /var/named/XXX) for these hosts then the
query will be forwarded out to external named's. That's why I'm suggesting a 
of action where the first step is to set up a named database with all the hosts 
then use logging (specify 'options query-log' in /var/named/boot.options 
for catching my typo Jeff!) to see what queries are going out to the net.

I myself had a similar problem which vexed me for some time. I thought I had a
complete database until I realized I was using and for diald
but had not defined names for these IPs anywhere. Doh!

Jens B. Jorgensen

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