Hi Joey Hess; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
> I take it you're not using the rvplayer debian package? You should try it.
> It's only in debian 2.0pre, but it makes installing real player very easy
> (and it should work on older debian 1.3 systems as well).
> -- 
> see shy jo

Sorry to butt in here, but just a quick question: I am using realplayer5.0,
installed with rvplayer package from hamm, on a hamm based system. It works,
and it worked first time I installed it. However, I can not for the life of me
play _two_ songs in a row, without reloading the entire web-page; for example
I listen to Cdnow site, hear the first track of whatever album I want to, all
is well and once it is done, I exit the real player, click on the next song,
player comes up and starts, but only noise comes out, and my system resources
get apparently eaten by realplayer, since my mouse works as in very
slow-motion. If I back out of the page, reload it and listen to it a minute
later all is well (until I want to hear the next song). any ideas?

My realaudio setting in netscape (4.05): audio/x-pn-realaudio
                                        /usr/X11R6/bin/rvplayer %s
                                        RealVideo Player plugin

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