Please allow me my two cents of experience with Lost95 (if they don't 'Win',
they 'lost')

C.J.LAWSON writes:
> On Wed, 29 Jul 1998, Alexander wrote:
> > Well, Windows is a decent OS if you know how to use and configure it right
> > (and work around its many bugs). If you can't deal with bugs in an OS you
> > don't deserve to be allowed to use a computer, or even own one. Windows
> I wonder if you would have the same attitude if you loose vital data on a
> computer crash. You sound as if you can predict when the crash is going to
> occur (I have seen windoze freeze a few minutes after a systems reset)

Ever try replacing a Motherboard on a "win95" system? That "fabulous, great,
decent OS" loses it's mind! You see, all information about the hardware is
kept in the registry files. When the Id's of the old MB (in the registry)
don't match the new Id's of the new MB, all H-LL breaks loose. In contrast,
Linux boots up without so much as a single hick-up and runs fine! Why would
one want to change the MB? MEMORY! I found that newer memory DIMMs are not
recognized properly by the older BIOS'es. Example, a 64Meg DIMM is reported as
a 16Meg DIMM or a 128Meg DIMM is reported as a 8Meg DIMM. Upgrading the MB to
a newer one fixes the problem!

> > took many years to develop into its present state of glory and bugs alike.
> > Do you think MS took only 5 minutes to design and implement the UI? Or
> > FAT32? I don't think so.
> Not that Trovalds took any longer ... I think we are missing the point
> here. The length of time one takes to achieve a task is irrelevant
> (particularly so when there are standards which have to be met/adhered
> to). The fact that I take two weeks to assemble the components of a
> computer 'does not' make it better than one assembled in two hours by
> default.

You are right, the time is irrelevent, however, where is the "peer" review of
the inner workings of Win95/98? I get extremely irritated when an application
hoses the whole nine yards and I lose hours of labor to the "blue screen of
death". I've yet to lose anything within Linux. Apparently, the "Win95
advocates" think that it is ok for the OS to lock down or freeze. Perhaps they
are numbed by the inability to fix the problem(s).

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Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
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