On Sun, 2 Aug 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Ok, let's talk a concrete example: I loaded "Barney on the farm" for my
> daughter (Official MS Win95 game for children). The setup routine got to the
> "Parent's Room" segment of the installation. I was not given a choice as to
> whether or not I wanted IE installed. The setup routine announced that it was
> installing IE (and all necessary support) PERIOD. No 'cancel' buttons

I like this actually :> I was upgrading a NT4 machine and the upgrade
Announced that it needed IE4 before it would do anything, so I was forced
to install it even though I had netscape! I ended up downloading something
close to 100M to get PPTP on that NT box

Incedently it took 5 reboots to get NT4 PPTP capable, I still haven't
rebooted my linux machine and it is now pptp capable :>


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