Hello all,

I am running debian 2.0 with KDE (relaltively new user)...

I recently upgraded all of my X11 packages, and somehow ended up with XDM
loading automatically on boot...

the thing is, I would really rather not be "forced" into Xwindow on
bootup, and would prefer to be able to start it (as I always have before)
using "startx" or whatever...

How can I "disable" XDM (i.e., turn it off)?

On a related note, what, if any, are the benefits of XDM - am I just
missing something? I really like to do most of my work outside of
Xwindow... is there a way to "get out" of Xwindow if XDM is "turned on"?

Also, IF I continue to use this setup, how do I change to using KDM as
opposed to XDM?

Thanks in advance, 


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