Well, that is a bit extreme.  don't worry about shutting down the X
server.  when the tty on which the X server is running is active, you
can switch to other tty's by using Control-LeftAlt-Fx, where x is the
number of a different tty (presumably a text console).

in response to the original question, if you still don't want xdm to
start when the machine is booted, simply edit /etc/X11/config and
change the line which says 'start-xdm' to 'no-start-xdm' (or just
comment the darn thing out).

finally, i have no idea how to do change to kdm.  sorry.


"Zaphod Beeblebrox" wrote (Sun, 02 Aug 1998 10:28:53 PDT ):
|>This may be kind of extreme, but I can get out of XWindows (xdm)
|>using the Ctr-Alt-BackSpace sequence that forces a reset. Then, at 
|>some critical point during the reset, you can use the LeftAlt-RightArrow 
|>sequence to switch to a different tty.
|>Debian 1.3 user
|>>Xwindow... is there a way to "get out" of Xwindow if XDM is "turned 
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