On Tue, 4 Aug 1998, Peter Granroth wrote:

> > Has anyone else had this problem with their mail?  Could someone who
> > understands what is causing this problem explain it to me?
> Of course I forgot to write down the error message, but I also had problems 
> getting fetchmail to get three messages  (they were all from the same 
> person). 
> The error message was something like:
> SMTP error: hostname must resolve
> and it promptly refused to fetch any mail. 

I don't know if it's the same thing.  Mine didn't bother to give me an
error message.  Fetchmail just sat there in the middle of retrieving
the message like time was frozen.  After waiting long enough to be quite
sure it wasn't going to continue, I hit Control C to get out of it.

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