On Tue, 4 Aug 1998, Taren wrote:

> I just went through the same exact situation with sendmail/procmail.  The
> problem isn't with your system, or any software you're running on it.  What
> is happening is that you're receiving email from either spoofed addresses
> which can't be resolved by your DNS server, or from site(s) on the net which
> are currently unreachable (which was my case).  If it's the latter, wait
> a while (maybe up to several days), until the net problem is resolved.

The problem is, when it can't get a particular e-mail, it can't get any
e-mail that arrives at my ISP after that particular one.  I don't know of
anyone who wants to leave their e-mail sitting for several days.  I much
prefer just deleting that particular e-mail and moving on to the rest of
my e-mail.

Unfortunately, the script I created (ppp-mail) calls ppp-on, waits until
ip-up creates a file (as a signal that the connection is up), does
"fetchmail &", sleeps for 5 minutes then does a killall fetchmail and
ppp-off doesn't do two things: 

1. It has no provision for the possibility of fetchmail still being in
action after 5 minutes (for example someone attaches a large file to an

2. It has no way of handling a situation where fetchmail has stalled and
needs to be restarted.

Obviously, my scripting skills aren't that great.

BTW, if someone else has created a script (or program or whatever) called
ppp-mail, I'm sure this is a different one.  I made this from scratch and
just gave it whatever name came to mind.

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