I am trying to run the example programs that accompany the book "Beginning 
Linux Programming".
I don't undestand what is wrong with this one (it produces 
        Aug 10 02:42:38 rakefet logmask[13691]: debug message, should not appear
, although it is not execpected to):

bash-2.00$ cat logmask.c
#include <syslog.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main()
  int logmask;

  openlog("logmask", LOG_PID|LOG_CONS, LOG_USER);
  syslog(LOG_INFO,"informative message, pid = %d", getpid());
  syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"debug message, should appear");
  logmask = setlogmask(LOG_MASK(LOG_DEBUG));
  syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"debug message, should not appear");
bash-2.00$ cc -o logmask logmask.c
bash-2.00$ ./logmask
rakefet# tail -n2 /var/log/debug
Aug 10 02:42:38 rakefet logmask[13691]: debug message, should appear
Aug 10 02:42:38 rakefet logmask[13691]: debug message, should not appear

        How it (should ?) works:
The program initializes the logging dacility with its name , "logmask" and 
requests that log messages contain the process identifier. The informative 
message is logged to "/var/log/messages" and the debug message to 
"/var/log/debug". The second debug message doesn't appear because we call 
"setlogmask" to ignore all messages with a priority below "LOG_NOTICE".

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