
You've probably had loads of people reply to this, but better two than
none. If you
have access to a win95 machine that works on the net (ie can 'ping'
and can therefore resolve names) try Start>Run>winipcfg. Click the
'Advanced' button
and it'll tell you the address of your net's DNS. In WfWG and NT the
equivalent is
ipconfig /all. Failing that, nslookup will tell you.

You might also need to know the default gateway that gets you out to the
(but you say you can already ping addresses? Maybe just in the internal
The winipcfg/ipconfig thing tells you the default gateway, too.

Now, I'm just getting started on Linux, but I think you need the address
of the DNS in
/etc/resolv.conf. There's a specific file format, but I don't know it
off-hand. The default
gateway goes somewhere too. There's a place for everything! I got this
working on a
Sun Solaris machine the other day - that OS seemed to want a
/etc/gateways file,
but it didn't actually work until I did a 'route add default a.b.c.d 1'
command. I'm a bit
hazy as to why it should need a gateway and a route (and also whether
the route
persists over a reboot), but perhaps someone will set us both straight?


John Midgley

>-----Original Message-----
>Sent:  12 August 1998 21:06
>To:    Midgley John
>Cc:    The recipient's address is unknown.
>Subject:       Almost there. . .HELP
>I have been trying to set-up a PC here at work without connecting to the
>NET( Boss won't let me :< ). After trying to copy the files from a Windows
>PC via a null-modem cable, I found I didn't have enough room on the hard
>drive for ALL the debian packages. I've decided to 'borrow' an IP address
>from another PC and can now ping IP addresses from the net, but I can't get
>access to a DSN because I'm not supposed to be connected to the net. Could
>someone tell me how I can connect to one of the debian mirror sites without
>using a DSN? I'm not very NET literate, I just know how to 'ping' and use
>the '?' command in ftp. If I could get connected via an IP address and run
>dselect, I could get my system up and running and dis-connect it during a
>night-shift when no-one can complain. I have been trying to get this system
>running for much longer that I care to think about, but work won't budge on
>letting me connect to the net, so I think this is the only way around them.
>Thanks very much for you help. Despite my current inability to get debian
>running on my system, I still recommend it to anyone who asks my opinion of
>Operating Systems, and some who don't ask : )
>     John Gay
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