I was able to ping as ftp.debian.org but when I run dselect,
choose ftp access enter as address, select anonymous login,
the default directories and no proxies, I get the following:

Using FTP to check directories. . .(stop with <cntrl>C)

Connecting to . .
Login as anonymous. . .
Setting transfer mode to binary. . .
Cd to '/debian'. . .
Checking dists/stable/main/binary-i386. . .FTP ERROR - Can't call method
"_close" without a package or object reference at /usr/lib/perl5/Net/FTP.pm
line 689, <STDIN> chunk 8.

query/setup script returned error exit status 1.
Press RETURN to continue.

It seems I am connecting O.K. but something seems to fail part way. I've
tried this several times tonight and I keep getting the same fail in the
same spot.
I'm clueless,. . . how about you?
I'm probably doing something really stupid, but, I know nothing about this
network stuff, I only need the connection long enough to finish installing
Then I'll be happy : >


     John Gay

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