On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, Erwan Esnault wrote:

> I have debian 2.0 with shadow passwds enabled, and when I log in with a
> normal user account, I cannot get my login with e.g. id -un or whoami !.
> It says 'Unable to find user 1001' or something like that.

        As far as I know, the shadow passwds utility creates a new file in
/etc named: shadow . This file contains all information supressed by the
'*' in the passwd file in the same directory. I believe that what is
happening is that the shadowpasswd utility moved the information you need
from the file /etc/passwd to /etc/shadow . However, I have no idea how you
should write a script (?) to be able to get this information for the
programs you mentioned... Perhapswhat I am saying to you is a bit old; but
I also upgraded my system and installed shadowpasswds, but I have just
seen my /etc/passwd and the number you mention above is still there!
Perhaps you could solve this in a very stupid way: by copying from one
file to the other these numbers; in case that's what really happenned.

> I added all my accounts with the 'adduser' utility...
> Please HEELP me ! I have several applications that need these
> informations. e.g. Applix, or any mail client...
> --

Daniel Doro Ferrante                 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network & System Administrator              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CECM - Curso de Ciências Moleculares - USP
       Course of Molecular Sciences - University of São Paulo - Brazil

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