Erwan Esnault wrote:
> I have debian 2.0 with shadow passwds enabled, and when I log in with a
> normal user account, I cannot get my login with e.g. id -un or whoami !.
> It says 'Unable to find user 1001' or something like that.
> I added all my accounts with the 'adduser' utility...
> Please HEELP me ! I have several applications that need these
> informations. e.g. Applix, or any mail client...
> --
> Erwan Esnault
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
Did you check LOGNAME envvar eg echo $LOGNAME ...
Is /etc/passwd 644 ?? (owned by root and -rw-r--r--)
Just shoting in the dark ...

Robert J. Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
AIX Certified System Administrator - Debian Linux addict - Win.\* victim
Via Sciangai, 53 - 00144 Rome, Italy

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