On Sun, 16 Aug 1998 20:42:52 +0200, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:

>I didn't knew that. I use exim and fetchmail+procmail. Would you recommend
>fetchmail+exim+exim's filter instead?

>Do you have an example configuration for the Debian lists?

    Nope.  I don't have any mail going to my personal machine in bulk yet. 
I'm trying to get it so I can have a backup for my link so I don't risk
getting booted off mailing lists when my link goes down and I am

             Steve C. Lamb             | Opinions expressed by me are not my
    http://www.calweb.com/~morpheus    | employer's.  They hired me for my
             ICQ: 5107343              | skills and labor, not my opinions!

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