On Wed, 19 Aug 1998, Brian D Kellogg wrote:

> hello,
> I have the following problems after installing Debian.
> 1.  I can't mount the cdrom.
>       i get this error--can't find /dev/hdc in /etc/mtab or /etc/fstab.  
>       It's a standard Atapi cdrom.

How are you trying to mount it? It sounds like you're typing 
mount /cdrom (or something similar), which won't work unless you have
information in /etc/fstab telling mount what the filesystem is, etc. 

mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /mnt

where /mnt is an empty directory. I use /cdrom
if that works, put a line like

#<file system>        <mount point>        <type>
/dev/hdb                /cdrom              iso9660        ;ATAPI (IDE)
in your /fstab. (I copied this out of a post about setting up partitions,
and I think there's a column missing. do a man fstab to see what you need. 

then you should be able to mount /cdrom without problems. 
I forget what /etc/mtab is exactly. 

> 3.  I can't start x
>       i get this error--x: exec of /usr/bin/X11/XF86_NONE failed
> I have a notebook computer.  I know X will work on it because I used to
> have SUSE linux on it.

Have you run xf86config or XF86Setup? It sounds like you're X server
hasn't been configured. 

Andrew Tarr

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate"

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