
I'm setting up a named virtual host with apache (http://www.linux.or.cr/) on
the same machine that runs our web server (http://www.efis.ucr.ac.cr/). Up
until now, everything is going smoothly, except for one little tiny buggy

http://www.efis.ucr.ac.cr/debian/ exists because there's an alias directive
for /debian/; but I found that http://www.linux.or.cr/debian/ *also* exists
(nice side effect, but a side effect anyways). Is there a way arround this?
I can't mix the linux.or.cr site with the efis.ucr.ac.cr site...

Do I have to use a named virtual host on efis.ucr.ac.cr and more all the srm
directives to the <VirtualHost ...> side? 

Also (I couldn't work this out the manual... I know it *is* in there
somewhere); do the VirtualHost directives get inherited from the "regular"
configuration. I mean, if I set, say, MultiViews on the regular host, does
the virtual host also get MultiViews, or do I have to explicitly use
MultiViews on the VirtualHost?



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