On Fri, 21 Aug 1998, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

> http://www.efis.ucr.ac.cr/debian/ exists because there's an alias directive
> for /debian/; but I found that http://www.linux.or.cr/debian/ *also* exists
> (nice side effect, but a side effect anyways). Is there a way arround this?
> I can't mix the linux.or.cr site with the efis.ucr.ac.cr site...

There are two ways to do this,

Alias /debian /..../debian

ServerName www.linux.or.cr

Or for the first VritualHost directive you can specify _default_:* to be
the default host for all IPs you have. The omission of the servername in
the first arrangement makes it the default for that IP. Even more cleverly
you can instead not use an Alias to create the redirection but instead use
ServerPath as is explained at

The apache documentation on thier site explains both of these techniques.
> Also (I couldn't work this out the manual... I know it *is* in there
> somewhere); do the VirtualHost directives get inherited from the
> "regular"  configuration. I mean, if I set, say, MultiViews on the
> regular host, does the virtual host also get MultiViews, or do I have to
> explicitly use MultiViews on the VirtualHost? 

Yep, anything outside a virtual host is applied to all virtaul hosts in my


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