> I've been trying to get the Ultima Online Client to work under debian,
> but the patch-client used to update the client insists on seg faulting.
> I tried talking to the guy that did the Linux port from Origin win
> client
> but I haven't heard anything back.  Any help would be appreciated.

Use the Lib5-client. The glib-one does not work (the client itself
worked but I was not able to login to the game :(

Im happy with lib5-ultima-online...

Gernot Bauer               Salzburger Kredit- und Wechsel-Bank AG
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Office)       Makartplatz 3, 5020 Salzburg
Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]               Austria/Europe
                                         Phone: ++43-662-8684-364
The answer is yes, me.                     Fax:  ++43-662-8684-23

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