Hi -

My little private network looks as follows:

   PC1 (WIN95,Linux)  <--->  PC2 (Linux)     <---->  ISP
   Dual boot option          INN, SMAIL       ISDN

I don't have problems with ISP connectivity; masquerading and
forwarding is done by PC2; everything's working fine, so far.

I have installed a news server on PC2 (INN) and mail is handled by
SMAIL on PC2 as well. Both are polled and fed using UUCP between
PC2 and my ISP. I can read and post news under WIN95 and Linux
on PC1. 

But I do need some advice from you: how should I setup mail on
PC1 under WIN95 and Linux ?

- PC1/Linux should be done by SMAIL as well, right ?
  Forwarding from PC1 to PC2 ? 
  Right now mail is sorted into /var/spool/mail on PC2 for 
  different users, so I could mount /var/spool/mail on PC1
  using NFS. Is this recommended ?

- PC1/WIN95 should be done by POP3, right ?
  Does SMAIL handle the POP3 protocol as well ?
  If not, what package do you recommend ? qpopper ?

I looked into qpopper and installed it, but I really don't know how
the setup is done. In inetd.conf there is a line for POP3:

  pop-3 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.pop3d

I don't have a in.pop3d, but a in.qpopper instead. Should I change 
this, and is that all ?

Thanks and with regards,


Michael Grimm, Berlin, Germany
      Linux will win ...

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