Related to my previous post about learning to use Xisp, I'm trying to
get PPP to work from a user account, my own, and so far haven't had
any success. Whether I use Xisp or just "pon ISP_Name" I get the
following in /var/log/ppp.log:

pppd[2513]: Can't open options file /etc/ppp/options: No such file or directory

I was under the assumption that pppd was supposed to use the file
/etc/ppp/peers/ISP_Name for the options file? I can't figure out why
it's not doing that. The same operations work fine for root, e.g.,

pon ISP_Name

fires up PPPD without a hitch. I don't see a problem with
permissions. pppd is setuid root and /etc/chatscript, and all the
files therein, are owned by root.dip. I'm also a member of the dip
group in /etc/group. I even tried newgrp dip, which succeeded, but I
still get the message about /etc/ppp/options not being there? Why is
it trying to read that file instead of /etc/ppp/peers/ISP_Name?


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