Pete> Does Alt-backspace work for anyone in an xterm (deleting the previous
Pete> word on bash input, for example)?  This worked fine in Bo and before.

What kind of keyboard do you have? On my 104 key ("windows 95")
keyboard, the "windows" key produces Meta and the Alt key produces Alt 
when in X. Meta-backspace deletes the previous word in bash in an
xterm. Alt-backspace just deletes one character. Using an rxvt it is
the other way around. 

It is my understanding that Meta and Alt should be separate when there
are enough keyboard buttons to allow it, and that Meta-backspace is
the definitive way to delete a word, since it is emulating "emacs key


  Gilbert Laycock                 email:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Maths and Computer Science,
  Leicester University            phone:         (+44) 116 252 3902

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