> After some experimentation, I found that the following works if you add it
> to /etc/X11/Xresources:
> *VT100.Translations: #override <Key>BackSpace: string("\177")\n\
>                                Meta<Key>BackSpace: string("\033\177")\n\

Didn't produce any change for me.

> bash-2.01$ bind -p | grep back    =20
> "\e\C-h": backward-kill-word
> "\e\C-?": backward-kill-word
> And that's why.  Bash is expecting a literal ESCAPE, and doesn't really
> care what key you use to get it.

Emacs running inside an xterm doesn't see Metas either.  Nothing in an
xterm acts like it's seeing a Meta-backspace, even though it sees
metas for every other key combo (afaik).

/Somewhere/ something is special-casing Meta-backspace, and that ought
to be fixed.  I'd be willing to live with a workaround such as you
proposed but it doesn't work for me.  Does anyone have any idea which
layer might be interfering with M-backspace?

Another odd thing is that rxvt works (sort of---alt and meta are
switched).  Old binaries of xterm /don't/ work, though I don't have a
statically-linked one to try out.  Maybe it's a glibc bug somewhere?
No, because remote Bo xterms, which work when sitting at that machine,
don't work when displaying on my Slink machine.

I'm stymied.

Pete Harlan

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