Me too.  What I considered is using CallerID(ANI).  However, if you call
from inside a PBX, anybody calling the house could do it.  If you've got
a cell phone, this could work. <I've got one. :>  I've also got ISDN,
therefore, I get DNIS (which line was being called).  Using the
'unlisted' nubmer would also give a level of selectivity.  ANI and DNIS
are sent before the call is answered...

I'm then planning on using mail or ftp to execute shell scripts. 
(Customer site firewall blocks telnet but not mail or ftp. :)

Shaleh wrote:
> I have been contemplating this.  If you could get a program to answer
> the modem line, when you call it picks up and then hangs up, it launches
> ppp (similar to using something in the ip-down script).  Should be
> do-able.
> Lazar Fleysher wrote:
> >
> > Greeting everyone,
> >
> > Very often, I have to work on my home computer from other places and I do
> > not want to have my home computer on-line all the time.
> >
> > Would it be possible to configure it in such a way so when I call home say
> > two times in a row, pon would be executed automaticaly and ip-up ( I did
> > it already) would post the IP address of the home computer on a designated
> > page?
> >
> > Thank you for suggestions,
> >
> > ZORO
> >
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