Thanks for your reply.

I do have a script which updates the ip address of my machine and posts it
on a web page. 

I have installed xringd package and it would be a cool thing, but it can
not find the modem. It keeps complaning that /dev/ttyS1 does nor exist...
I know it exists and ppp works fine.... 

any ideas?


On Mon, 14 Sep 1998, Daniel Martin wrote:

> Jim Crumley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I pretty much copied my setup from
> >  .
> > I think Daniel Martin still reads this list.  He also
> > has a link to the Dynamic IP Hacks Mini-HOWTO,
> > which has more suggestions.
> Oh my.  I'd hate to think I'm an authority.
> I have something like this set up - I have a voice modem, and use
> vgetty (in the mgetty-voice package).  I've modified some of the
> scripts that came with it (but not much; they were pretty trivial
> modifications) so that I can call my machine from anywhere, enter *, a 
> secret code, and # and my machine will dial in.  (A different code
> lets me check my messages - my voice modem is my answering machine)
> That's not documented on the page mentioned above, (I can send you
> details, but using xringd may well be easier) but how to have a page
> automatically updated is; although, there's a way that I think is
> better, which I used on my girlfriend's machine since her ISP didn't
> allow her shell access to set up a .forward file.  Basically, in your
> /etc/ppp/ip-up script (for bo, aka Debian 1.3.x) or in some file in
> /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ (for hamm, aka Debian 2.0 - you'd probably be best
> off putting this in a new file, something like
> /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/local_updatepage) put the following:
> m4 -Dipaddr=$PPP_LOCAL > /tmp/newip.html <<EOD
> <HTML><HEAD>New ip address ipaddr</HEAD>
> <BODY><H1>New address is: ipaddr</H1>
> <P>New address ipaddr obtained on syscmd(date)</P></BODY></HTML>
> HOME=/root ftp my.webspace.provider <<EOD
> send /tmp/newip.html public_html/newip.html
> (In bo, use $4 instead of $PPP_LOCAL in the top line)
> Then, in /root you need to create a .netrc file giving your username
> and password for whatever machine you're putting this webpage on.
> The syntax is:
> machine my.webspace.provider
> login myusername
> password mypassword
> Then, remember to set all the permissions correctly:
> chmod 0600 /root/.netrc
> chmod a+rx /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/local_updatepage  # or whatever
>                                # Remember, use /etc/ppp/ip-up on bo.

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