On 14 Sep 98, at 14:09,
Joey Hess wrote:

> Horacio M.G. wrote:
> > well, it was just like that, and the result was as I said, no .deb
> > package, instead the tree directory directly in /.
> Well then you must be using some strange old version of alien and it
> intrepreted alien -debian as "alien -d -e -b -i -a -n", and the -i made it
> install the package it generated. Current versions of alien will *not* do
> that:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~>alien --to -debian foo
> Option to is ambiguous (to-deb, to-rpm, to-slp, to-tgz)
> Unknown option: debian

???  I'm sure it was exactly like that, and I believe I got that from
the alien manpage... I'll check though.  The alien version... don't
know, it's the one which come with Debian2.0 (sorry, still using
windows for mailing purposes).

> > I've just done that, I've installed libc5, rebooted the system, and
> > still "can't load libXmu.so.6"
> Now install xlib6...

did it!  ...it seems I'm getting up to something.  Now it no longer
says "can't load libXmu.so.6", instead it says:
"can't load libXpm.so.4"
What which other/s library/s should I install next?

El hombre-masa actual es, en efecto, un primitivo,
que por los bastidores se ha deslizado en el viejo
escenario de la civilizaciĆ³n.
   Ortega y Gasset - La RebeliĆ³n de las Masas.


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