> > > do you know my next question?  "can't load libtcl.so"
> > > BTW, I was denied permission for dpkg'ing from the cd-rom (had to cp
> > > to /tmp).
> >
> > Well I hope you're seeing a pattern by now, but you need tcl76.
> I've also installed tclx76 (and tk42), and "still can't load libtcl.so"
> I'll leave it for tomorrow, it's far too late (early) over here... thanks.

May be a more experienced user would be seeing a pattern at this
point, even at an earlier point, but take into account that I've been
using Debian for about a month now.  When, and if, all this is over I
hope to see it more clear from reviewing the errors and steps.
Right now, I've installed all the libraries you told me (plus tclx76 &
tk42) with the above result yet (can't load libtcl.so).
Now the issue is no longer to have papyrus (or for that matter
scriptum,...) up and running for the sake of it, I could use LyX
instead of papyrus (... or any editor instead of scriptum), but to get
the feeling of how these things work.

> I can't reproduce your problem - it converted to a deb file fine and
> didn't write anything to files in /. Are you sure you didn't install the
> .deb? dpkg -s scriptum should say.

Do you mean you converted it to a .deb package just by:
alien -d scriptum...tgz  ???  I've done it yet again and it happened
all over again:  no .deb package, and a tree directory right in / (
/scriptum...).  I couldn't use dpkg since there was no .deb to use
with.  If "alien -d papyrus...tar.gz" had not generated a
papyrus...deb package, I would think there's an implicit installation
procedure with the "-d" option in alien (may be not with a ".tar.gz"
but with a ".tgz"?).

El hombre-masa actual es, en efecto, un primitivo,
que por los bastidores se ha deslizado en el viejo
escenario de la civilizaciĆ³n.
   Ortega y Gasset - La RebeliĆ³n de las Masas.


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