Could it be a bad EPROM or wrong BIOS ?
I had these Problems with a PC based Shuttle 569
after I installed
the updated BIOS (and it was the correct one !!)
 from their webp.

It would overheat the CPU or work fine, but when
idle for a long
time would just die on me.
In the end I took out the CPU put it in a box that
I know worked,
and that box went dead.
Me, thinking my other board fried the CPU, went
and bought a new CPU.
To make a long story short,
the bad BIOS overheated the CPU and oxidizing its
Brush legs with old toothbrush (I know static
kills, but what 
choice did I have ??), flush BIOS with original
and pop the old CPU in the "bad mobo" and
everything works fine.
I could not even get Linux installed before
without io errors or
crazy CDROM behaviour.

Peter Barbera

E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:
> >
> > This is a long story.  I'll make it as short as I can.
> >
> > I've been having a devil of a time trying to get the Hamm install
> > kernel to read my hd at boot.  I'm using the lowmem option to
> > install on a 4mb PS/2 model 35.  (By the way, this is one of the
> > very few PS/2's that have an AT bus, so MCA is not the problem.)
> > Both drives I tried are able to boot into DOS and Windows and
> > check out okay on diagnostic checks.
> >
> > A newsgroup post suggested compiling a kernel with the old
> > harddisk MFM/RLL/IDE driver.  I did and wrote it to the lowmem
> > bootdisk.  The boot messages say a lot more now, but I'm unable to
> > interpret them.  Can someone on the list give them a shot?  Here
> > they are:
> >
> >       hd: controller still busy
> >       hda: reset timed out: status=0xff { Busy DriveReady WriteFault
> >               SeekComplete DataRequest CorrectedError Index Error }
> >       hda: reset timed out: error=0xff { BadSector UncorrectableError
> >               SectorIdNotFound DriveStatusError TrackZeroNotFound
> >               AddrMarkNotFound }, CHS=65535/15/255, Sector=0
> >
> > The weird thing: the CHS numbers don't match either what CMOS says
> > (under MSD in DOS) or what I pass to the kernel at the boot
> > prompt, i.e. hd=1010,12,55.  (The drive is a WD Caviar 340 MB.)
> >
> > This may indicate the enhanced IDE driver is needed after all, but
> > that gives the 'timed-out', 'status=0xff', and 'Busy' messages in
> > any case.
> This is the kind of messages that remind me of broken/dying hard disks I
> have seen.  Since it is an old machine, are you sure the hard disk is
> working at all?
> Eric
> --
>  E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])          | tel. office +31 40 2472189
>  Eindhoven Univ. of Technology             | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
>  Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax    +31 40 2455054
> --
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