On Fri, Sep 18, 1998 at 12:20:27PM -0700, Ian Eure wrote:
> > 
> In some cases, with older drive types and/or systems, you can cheat a bit
> by enabling the system ROM shadow option in your CMOS. I really doubt
> that this would work on a PS/2, but my older AMD 386DX/40 (a truly super
> system) with dual seagate 40meg MFM drives (yeah!) didn't like to boot
> linux without having the main bios shadowed. If it was unshadowed, it
> wouldn't autodetect the drive geometry. Kinda weird, but it's a kinda
> weird box, right? Anyways. Neat trick nonetheless. :)
Thanks for the suggestion.  Unfortunately, for the PS/2 it was
another dead end.  Since Linux seems not doable for this machine,
I've installed WFWG and I'll run Samba.

My thanks to those who posted suggestions.

Curt Daugaard

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