
        in Win98, you need to set the gateway and DSN addresses of the client.  
gateway is the local network address of the inside NIC on your cable modem
box.  The DNS addresses are those of the ISP (24.129.x.xx)or whatever.

        That much I know; I'm still stuck on one-way cable with mediaone -- I 
drivers for Debian, can connect, but can't get through the firewall (even
with it stopped <g>) -- but you don't need to hear my problems. <s>


-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Marshall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 1998 1:39 AM
Subject: cable-modem woes (TCI/@HOME)


I am having trouble getting my cable-modem working and I am wondering
if somebody out there knows the right way.  Here is the info:

- works in win98
- looks like a subnet of a class A network (this could be my problem)
- ip address is           (xxx not shown)
- netmask from provider is
- gateway is
- dns server is 24.1.64.zzz
- domain set in resolv.conf

I am really unsure about the network address I should use.
>From the HOWTO's it looks like I should use since
the is the result of ANDing the ip address and netmask.
I tried lots of things but none seem to work.  Win98 only
asks for ip address and netmask -- I guess it figures out the
network address.  I also don't know if I should try a broadcast
address either.

I can bring eth0 up with no errors and set the routing but I
can't connect to anything.

Any ideas?  Am I doing something stupid?

thanks very much,


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