On Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 06:31:55PM +0000, Andy Spiegl wrote:
> Since 'rm' can be pretty dangerous sometimes, especially to new unix users,
> I was wondering whether there is something like a "save rm" out there.
> With feature similar to this list:
>  - moving files to /tmp/trash instead of unlinking  (saving full path)
>  - configuration file with regexps listing files
>    + that can't be rm'ed
>    + that shouldn't be rm'ed (ask for confirmation)
> I didn't search the entire internet yet, but at least I couldn't find
> any debian packages.
> Anyone?

There are such packages around (not debian ones but...recently
it was talked about as an adition)

In the Unix tradition its not common to be so forgiving :)

I know tkdesk (which I run just to have a cool app bar that I never
use) has a trash folder...it works well...

as for a "safe rm" I don't remembver all of them but it does present some 
techincal difficulties...

personally I don't see the need :) 

once you have removed a few files you wanted to keep...you learn.

heh "Oh you wanna stick your finger in the light socket, ok well go ahead...
see hurt like a bitch didn't it? bet ya wont do that again."


/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>------------ 
E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
"honk if you Love Linux"

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