On Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 02:49:50PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> *- Stephen J. Carpenter wrote about "Re: Safe rm available?"
> | 
> | heh "Oh you wanna stick your finger in the light socket, ok well go ahead...
> | see hurt like a bitch didn't it? bet ya wont do that again."
> | 
> Ha! The same could be said for using Winbloze!

No very very bad analogy:)

Windows users install Windows. Then they screw it up... then re-install...
then screw it up...ad nauseum...finnaly they get it worked out
and stop screwing it up...

by that time a new version comes out...they "Upgrade"...then screw it up...

its more a flaming circle of masochism than a learning process :)

Stick your finger in a light socket and never doing it again ...is quite
differnt from comming back and doing it again.

although...personal note...
when I was in second grade I stuck my finger on the prong of a plug I was
plugging in...

but the shock actually felt good (of course the position I was sitting in
pretty much drew the current away from the heart and other vital organs)
...so I did it again...

completely irrelevant...but...hey...


/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>------------ 
E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
"honk if you Love Linux"

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