Bob Nielsen wrote:
> The latest slink update to sysklogd 1.3-29 is SERIOUSLY broken.  I
> installed it and could no longer become root.  If you have installed it,
> you will need to boot with your rescue disk (you do have one, don't you?)
> and either disable sysklogd (chmod -x /etc/init.d/sysklogd) or install the
> hamm version.

It does indeed seem to be broken.  I don't have the problems you seem to
be having (missing ability to become root), though.  My problem is that
nothing is logged.  Syslogd seems to run just fine--the marks are written
to the syslog every 20 minutes as usual, but is seems as if other programs
can't communicate with it.

All the same, I concur with Bob: *don't* upgrade to sysklogd_1.3-29. 
       /'"`\  zzzZ  | My PGP Public Key is available at:
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 Don't ya just hate it when there's not enough room to fin 

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