
Thanks for the reply.  I did intially partition the drive using Opendos 
7.2 fdisk program.  I will try using Linux's fdisk this time and let you 
know how it works.



Date sent:              Thu, 3 Dec 1998 09:23:06 -0600 (CST)
From:                   Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     Tom Anzalone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copies to:              Debian User List <>
Subject:                Re: Installation woes

> On Thu, 3 Dec 1998, Tom Anzalone wrote:
> > I had sent an earlier message regarding installation problems and 
> > did receive some messages back but was unable to read them. So 
> > I will try this again. (Thanks to everyone that did reply)   I have tried 
> > to install Debian numerous times on my machine:
> > 
> > P133, 128meg, 8.4 ide, 2.5 ide (install drive for Debian), and a 1 gb 
> > scsi drive, 40X cdrom ide, 144 floppy drive.  
> > 
> > I have installed Red Hat successfully on the 1 gb drive and I use 
> > system commander to boot between Windows 98 and Linux.  I 
> > installed the 2.5 gb drive to install Debian and partitioned it using 
> > dos in a 2 gb main and 500 mg swap.  I tried to install Debian off 
> > the CD (version 2.0.2) and was able to boot, partition and intialize 
> > the drive, pick the keyboard type but when I go to install the kernel 
> > the installation process says:
> I'm a bit confused. Did you partition the drive in using DOS's fdisk, or
> Linux's? Or does this mean you partitioned part of it for DOS using DOS's
> fdisk and part for Linux using Linux's?
> If you partitioned it for Linux using DOS's fdisk, and then just reviewed
> the partitions during the Debian install's partition phase, you might want
> to delete the Linux partition and recreate it using Linux's [c]fdisk.
> > 
> > Starting to extract Rescue disk
> > 
> > Then it blows up and gives and error that extraction of the Rescue 
> > disk failed (there is a message in the background but the windowed 
> > message covers it) and that is that.  So I tried booting off a rescue 
> > floppy and then installing off the CD but the same error.  I then 
> > downloaded the disk set off the web.  Made a floppy disk 
> > installation set and tried it once again.  Guess what,  same place 
> > same error!  I would appreciate any help at this time.  I have 
> > checked the installation instructions numerous times thinking I 
> > missed something as well as checking this mailing list and web 
> > site for help.  I would really like to get this installed.  Thanks for 
> > any help.  
> > 
> > Tom Anzalone
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> Kent West
> KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
> Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!

Tom Anzalone

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