On Thu, Dec 03, 1998 at 11:03:30AM -0500, Peter Kovacs wrote:

> What I did is:
> Create my own menu with my customizations..
> Somewhere in that menu I created an "external" menu pointing too
> menu.hook.
> It's kinda kludgy, but it works.  If you figure out how to embed
> menu.hook, please let me know!

 There are several ways:

 * Make your own WMRootMenu. For testing purposed I once used this:

$ cat GNUstep/Defaults/WMRootMenu
  (Debian, OPEN_MENU, menu.hook),
    (Appearance, OPEN_MENU, appearance.menu),
    (Workspaces, WORKSPACE_MENU),
    ("Arrange Icons", ARRANGE_ICONS),
    ("Hide Others", HIDE_OTHERS),
    ("Show All Windows", SHOW_ALL),
    ("Clear Session", CLEAR_SESSION),
    ("Save Session", EXEC, "")
  (XTerm, SHORTCUT, "Control+Shift+x", EXEC, xterm),
  ("Run Program", EXEC, "%a(Run a program)"),
  (About..., INFO_PANEL),
  (Exit, SHUTDOWN)

 you can build this using the Menu Guru in WPrefs (WPrefs needs WM >=
 0.19.1, I think, current version in slink is 0.20.2)

 * Use the hooks...

$ grep hook /etc/X11/WindowMaker/menu.hook
#include <menu.prehook>
#include <menu.posthook>

 Put a menu.posthook and menu.prehook in ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker

 * Use menu's internal mechanism

 something like this:

$ cat > /etc/menu/remotessh
?package(ssh):needs=x11 section=RemoteHosts      \
   command="xterm -e \"slogin yourhost\""



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