On Tue, 15 Dec 1998, Amanda Shuler wrote:

 : Hello all.
 : I have these messages being repeated over and over and over in my syslog,
 : every
 : 10 minutes.
 : What do they mean?
 : Dec 15 06:42:26 snafu syslogd 1.3-3#26: restart.
 : Dec 15 06:51:27 snafu inetd[8525]: auth/tcp: bind: Address already in use
 : Dec 15 06:51:27 snafu inetd[8525]: finger/tcp: bind: Address already in 
 : use
 : Dec 15 06:51:27 snafu inetd[8525]: pop-3/tcp: bind: Address already in use
 : Dec 15 06:51:27 snafu inetd[8525]: exec/tcp: bind: Address already in use
 : Dec 15 06:51:27 snafu inetd[8525]: login/tcp: bind: Address already in use
 : Dec 15 06:51:27 snafu inetd[8525]: shell/tcp: bind: Address already in use
 : Dec 15 06:51:27 snafu inetd[8525]: ftp/tcp: bind: Address already in use
 : Dec 15 06:51:27 snafu inetd[8525]: telnet/tcp: bind: Address already in
 : use
 : Dec 15 06:51:27 snafu inetd[8525]: time/tcp: bind: Address already in use
 : Dec 15 06:51:27 snafu inetd[8525]: daytime/tcp: bind: Address already in
 : use
 : Dec 15 06:51:27 snafu inetd[8525]: discard/tcp: bind: Address already in
 : use

These messages are generated locally, so it's really not relevant
whether there's another machine with the same address.

What you're seeing here is inetd complaining that it can't bind to the
ports.  It's probable that there's another inetd process running
already, since "Address already in use" is your error.  Do a `ps awx'
and look for one or more inetd processes.  If there's more than one,
kill them, do `/etc/init.d/netbase stop'; `/etc/init.d/netbase start'.

 : When I asked him about it, he said that, although he wasn't sure, he
 : thought that linux "held" onto it's IP address even if another machine on
 : the network showed up with that IP.
 : Is this true?

AFAIK UNIX boxes will attempt to use their assigned IP address no matter
what.  At this point it's an ARP battle.

Hope this helps.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
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