That would be great except:

1. I'll have to wait for the new kernel to be released or use the
development kernel.  In either case, I still can't recompile the current
kernel correctly so this option is no good until...
2. The next version of Debian is released with the new kernel already
integrated.  Since slink is now frozen that means sid at the earliest and
that's probably another six months off.

Oh well.  I may have to give up on linux for a while if no one can help me
with hamm.  I'll probably play with slink since it has a few things I
haven't played with yet (Enlightenment and Gnome).


-----Original Message-----
From:   Mike Touloumtzis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wednesday, December 16, 1998 11:32 PM
Subject:        Re: Giving recompile another try

On Wed, Dec 16, 1998 at 10:56:42PM -0600, Cristov Russell wrote:
> My take on RedHat vs. Debian
> What I like most about the RedHat distribution is that it has a setup for
> SoundBlaster audio cards (I also like the printer setup which was a piece
> cake with my networked printer). In fact, sound cards seem to be the only
> hardware that does not currently have an option to setup during the
> installation or utility to help you configure the device afterwards.

The 2.2 series kernels, which will be available soon, include the modular
sound system (which was funded by Red Hat).  I'm running a patched 2.1.131
here, and I was able to load a working sound system entirely from modules.

I think some of the later 2.0.x kernels (.35? .36?) include at least
some support for modular sound too.


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