It sounds like you are trying to mount the extended partition itself
rather than one of the logical partitions which it contains.  To see what
is there, run fdisk and use the 'p' command.  


On Tue, 29 Dec 1998, Ted Llewellyn wrote:

>   I need to mount my Windows 95 partitions from the Debian 2.0 setup.  I
> keep getting errors that say I am trying to mount an extended partition.
> Well, guess what?  That's exactly what I'm trying to do!  Just what is
> Linux's syntax for these DOS extended partitions that Windows puts all
> those drive letters on?  I've tried /dev/hda1 and so on, and I've tried
> combinations from /dev, but nothing works.  What's the secret password?
>  _ () _-- __()       Ted Llewellyn
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