Thanks, that did it.

 _ () _-- __()       Ted Llewellyn
    )  _--  /        
   /_--    /__---    
 (/      (/          

On Tue, 29 Dec 1998, Bob Nielsen wrote:

> It sounds like you are trying to mount the extended partition itself
> rather than one of the logical partitions which it contains.  To see what
> is there, run fdisk and use the 'p' command.  
> Bob
> On Tue, 29 Dec 1998, Ted Llewellyn wrote:
> >   I need to mount my Windows 95 partitions from the Debian 2.0 setup.  I
> > keep getting errors that say I am trying to mount an extended partition.
> > Well, guess what?  That's exactly what I'm trying to do!  Just what is
> > Linux's syntax for these DOS extended partitions that Windows puts all
> > those drive letters on?  I've tried /dev/hda1 and so on, and I've tried
> > combinations from /dev, but nothing works.  What's the secret password?
> > 
> >  _ () _-- __()       Ted Llewellyn
> >     )  _--  /        
> >    /_--    /__---    
> >  (/      (/          
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
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> ----
> Bob Nielsen                 Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Tucson, AZ                  AMPRnet:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> DM42nh            

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