This is my first attempt at compiling a new kernel. I downloaded the
latest Linux kernel 2.1.132 in hopes that one day I will be able to get
my  SoundblasterPCI128  sound card to make some noise like music CDs ,
midi, Real Audio/Video , etc...  But that will have to wait because at
this time I can not get my  printer to properly work with the new
kernel. It is an Epson  Dot Matrix Action Printer 5000+ .  I have a
Debian hamm distribution and my printer works fine with the 2.0.34
kernel. When the 2.0.34 kernel boots up I get two responses form my
printer and I am able to print. When I make the new kernel and install
it, I get only one startup response from my printer. The only time time
that I can get it to print anything is with the command :

%  echo "print something!" > /dev/lp0


%  lpr  test.doc

produces no response. lpq command gives the following message:

 %  lpq
Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  'Epson ESCP2'
 Queue: 1 printable job
 Server: pid 378 active
 Unspooler: pid 379 active
 Status: cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'Device not configured', attempt 1,
sleeping 10 at 22:29:59
 Rank   Owner/ID                   Class Job  Files               Size
active  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                A  377 test.doc           313

I can't figure out what else I have to configure. I have read and reread
the HOWTO's and the man pages for just about everything there is to read
( I think )  for booting a new kernel, installing modules, and
configuring the printer. I don't know if I have configured my make
menuconfig correctly or not ( there a MANY options ) but I know that
I have enabled parallel printer support as a module. I have also gone
through the motions of make modules and make modules_install .  I have
tried several different combinations of options in the menuconfig file
but I am beginning to get weary of the whole process. Is there anyone
that can tell me a list of exactly what options I am to configure into
my kernel and which options I should configure as modules. Also, do
I have to do any special work when it comes to getting the modules to
work with the kernel? I have read about insmod, modprobe, depmod,
kereld, and kmod but it was a little confusing and I have probably
missed some step somewhere. I could sure use some advise about now,
because I am beginning to think that I have stepped into water that is a
little too deep for me.

Monte Copeland

Knoxville  TN

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