
We try to set "mostly closed system" for Debian "slink" boxes that operate 
primarily as X-terminals.  So it has in hosts.deny "ALL:ALL"

Here what I set in hosts.allow:
ALL         : localhost
in.telnetd  : .our.network : allow
sshd        : .our.network : allow
in.ftpd     : .our.network : allow
in.smtpd    : ALL          : user mail.mail : allow
portmap     : .our.network : allow
# everything else is denied in /etc/hosts.deny

1. Does it have some striking errors?  I bet I forgot some service...
2. We run xntp3 to set time, but we don't want to be an NTP server.  Do one 
need to allow some ntp service (NTP protocol is quite sophisticated :(


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